André Laliberté, The Politics of Buddhist Organizations in Taiwan 1989-2003. Safeguarding the faith, building a pure land, helping the poor

With their adherents numbering millions and their enormous financial resources, Buddhist groups are a significant force in the civil society of Taiwan today. Their political…

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Linda Wong, Lynn White et Gui Shixun (eds.), Social Policy Reform in Hong Kong and Shanghai. A Tale of Two Cities

This collective work edited by Linda Wong, Lynn White and Gui Shixun offers an excellent overview of the social policies of Shanghai and Hong Kong,…

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Zhao Suisheng, A Nation-State by Construction. Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism

Following a preliminary exposition dedicated to summarising the theoretical debates on the origin and nature of Chinese nationalism (Chapter 1), Zhao Suisheng sets out to…

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Xu Guoqi, China and The Great War. China’s Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization

This work changes somewhat the vision that historians have provided to this day of China ‘s participation in the First World War. The sending to…

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Maria Hsia Chang, Falungong, secte chinoise. Un défi au pouvoir

This book by Maria Hsia Chang presents itself as a summarisation of a movement that has by now become well known: the Falun Gong[1]. It…

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Lu Xun, Errances

The vagaries of publishing have seen the simultaneous appearance in France of two complete versions of Lu Xun’s collection Wandering, only seven of whose eleven…

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Michael Dillon, Xinjiang-China’s Muslim Far North West

A combination of a m assive process of demographic colonisation and a policy for the development of the western region of China (xibu dakaifa), the…

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Cong Cao, China’s Scientific Elite

This book is a synthesis of a doctoral thesis, which offers new research into the scientific elite of the People’s Republic. Taking as his subject…

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Hiroshi Sato, The Growth of Market Relations in Post-Reform Rural China. A micro-analysis of peasants, migrants and peasants entrepreneurs

Hiroshi Sato’s latest book, which focuses on rural China is a contribution to the debate taking place among specialists in transitology, the study of the…

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Elspeth Thomson, The Chinese Coal Industry: An Economic History

China is the world’s largest producer of coal, and coal remains the most important energy source for an economy that continues to grow at an…

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