Cong Cao, China’s Scientific Elite
This book is a synthesis of a doctoral thesis, which offers new research into the scientific elite of the People’s Republic. Taking as his subject…
This book is a synthesis of a doctoral thesis, which offers new research into the scientific elite of the People’s Republic. Taking as his subject…
Hiroshi Sato’s latest book, which focuses on rural China is a contribution to the debate taking place among specialists in transitology, the study of the…
China is the world’s largest producer of coal, and coal remains the most important energy source for an economy that continues to grow at an…
The Leuven Chinese Studies series, published by the Leuven Institute for Sino-Mongol Studies (LISMS), has acquired, with its growing list of monographs, a reputation for…
Giving French readers access to what the finest Chinese thinkers are writing about their own country: that is the aim of Ecrits édifiants et curieux…
Richard C. Bush, former Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and staff member on the House International Relations Committee, has published an extraordinary…
The title of this work is apposite since for once, among recently published books on China, the cover reference to Mao is not unwarranted. Indeed,…
This collective work, directed by two writers known for their work on China’s intellectuals , undertakes to bring together with the classic problem of intellectuals…
The story is familiar enough: Taiwan is settled by people from the Chinese mainland, colonised by Japan, ruled by the KMT (Guomindang), nativises its political…
The title of this book is not very clearand its purpose is scarcely more so. Judging by what we are told in the short introduction,…