Joe Studwell, The China Dream. The Elusive Quest for the Greatest Untapped Market on Earth

In twelve clear, concise and well argued chapters, Joe Studwell delivers a methodical deconstruction of the myth surrounding the China market that haunts the minds…

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C. Riskin, R. Zhao and S. Li eds., China’s Retreat from Equality—Income Distribution and Economic Transition

WITH the help of two national surveys, one among rural and the other among urban households, this collective work offers a detailed analysis of how…

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Adam Segal, Digital Dragon. High-Technology Enterprises in China, and Kellee S. Tsai, Back-Alley Banking, Private entrepreneurs in China

IN MANY respects, the dynamism of China’s economic growth represents a huge challenge for the social sciences. Unlike Western capitalism, the economy and in particular…

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Lo Shiu-hing, Governing Hong Kong: Legitimacy, Communication and Political Decay

Since the mid-1990s, no- one has written about Hong Kong politics more prolifically or knowledgeably than Lo Shiu-hing. In this, his third book on the…

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Sheng Lijun, China and Taiwan. Cross-Straits Relations Under Chen Shui-bian

This is a very useful account of the latest developments in Taiwan concerning cross-Strait relations and the evolution of Taiwan’s mainland policy. Sheng Lijun’s book…

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Gordon G. Chang, The Coming Collapse of China

This work by Gordon Chang devotes its twelve chapters to dealing with a question that has obsessed observers of political developments in China for more…

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Randall Peerenboom, China’s Long March Toward Rule of Law

If one is to believe the proponents of relativism, any moral philosophy with a universalist claim would be both unrealistic and intolerant. They alone would…

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Vincent Gossaert ed., « L’anticléricalisme en Chine », Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident

The journal Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident has brought out a stimulating issue on the theme of anticlericalism in China. In the introduction, Vincent Gossaert and Valentine Zuber…

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Judith Farquar, Appetites: Food and Sex in Postsocialist China (Body, Commodity, Text, Studies of Objectifying Practice)

A Professor of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina, Judith Farquar has up to now focused mainly on research into medical thinking and practice…

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Mary-Françoise Renard ed., China and its Regions. Economic Growth and Reform in Chinese Provinces

The articles collected in this volume analyse the relationship between the global economic growth and the dynamics taking place at the regional level in China…

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