Valérie de Poulpiquet: Le territoire chinois

Usually it is better not to criticise an author’s first publication too harshly. It is preferable to pass it over in silence, and let him…

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Deborah S. Davis ed.: The Consumer Revolution in Urban China

This collection of articles edited and compiled by Deborah Davis, deals with the development of the consumer market in China, and fills a large gap…

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Gunter Schubert and Axel Schneider eds: Taiwan an der Schwelle zum XXI.Jahrhundert.Gesellschaftlicher Wandel, Probleme und Perspektiven eines asiatischen Schwellenlandes, and Beate Tränkmann: Demokratisierung und Reform des politischen Systems auf Taiwan

In Germany, Taiwan has for a long time been the poor relation in terms of research on China (1). The appearance of these two works…

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Eric Kit-wai Ma: Culture, Politics, and Television in Hong Kong

Several recent books on Hong Kong have precisely identified the main factors that, during the 1970s, led to the emergence of a real Hong Kong…

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Alexander Pantsov: The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution, 1919-1927

The astonishing advances made by the Communist International in China between 1921 and 1926, followed by the catastrophe that afflicted the Chinese communists in April-July…

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Yves Bougon et al.: Asie, les nouvelles règles du jeu

This book has been put together by well-informed observers who, over several years, have followed developments in Asia. It has several strengths. Unlike many other…

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Anita Chan, Benedict J. Tria Kerkvliet and Jonathan Unger eds.: Transforming Asian Socialism—China and Vietnam Compared

This book brings together nine contributions dealing with aspects of the transition in two major Asian socialist economies, and was collated by researchers from the…

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Zheng Yi: Stèles rouges

In May 1986 the well-known novelist and investigative journalist, Zheng Yi (1), returned to the southern province of Guangxi on the border with Vietnam, in…

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Mette Halskov Hansen: Lessons on Being Chinese—Minority Education and Ethnic Identity in Southwest China

Mette Hansen is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Oslo, and this book on education and ethnic identity in Yunnan is the result of…

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Gang Xu: Tourism and Local Economic Development in China: Case Studies of Guilin, Suzhou and Beidaihe

The study of tourism, through a range of choices, styles, tastes and motivations, provides a comprehensive insight into social relations, consumerism, class structure, self-identification and…

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