BONINO, Michele, Francesca GOVERNA, Maria Paola REPELLINO, and Angelo SAMPIERI (eds.). 2019. The City after Chinese New Towns: Spaces and Imaginaries from Contemporary Urban China. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Since the mid-2000s, the development of Chinese towns has brought about radical change not only to urban and rural spaces but also to temporalities and…

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CHOW, Yiu Fai. 2019. Caring in Times of Precarity: A Study of Single Women Doing Creative Work in Shanghai. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan

Single women in China, socially stigmatised and marginalised as shengnü (剩女, literally, leftover women), are popular subjects of cultural productions that deserve but are yet…

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VANDENABEELE, Valérie. 2019. La société d’après : politique sino-tibétaine et écologie au Yunnan (Society Post-Pudacuo: Sino-Tibetan politics and ecology in Yunnan). Paris: Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre

This book is the fruit of a thesis defended at the University of Paris X-Nanterre in 2014. Valérie Vandenabeele studied Pudacuo 普達措, China’s first national…

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EISENMAN, Joshua. 2018. Red China’s Green Revolution: Technological Innovation, Institutional Change, and Economic Development Under the Commune. New York: Columbia University Press

In this book, Joshua Eisenman presents a revisionist approach to the Chinese People’s Communes era (1958-1983). One of his main goals is to question common…

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CHANG, Jing Jing. 2019. Screening Communities: Negotiating Narratives of Empire, Nation, and the Cold War in Hong Kong Cinema. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press

Jing Jing Chang’s book focuses on how post-war Hong Kong cinema’s fate and fortunes, circa 1950s-late 1960s, were inextricably bound up with the context of…

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VEG, Sebastian (ed.). 2019. Popular Memories of the Mao Era: From Critical Debate to Reassessing History. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

In the shadow of the cultural and anthropological turns, recent historical scholarship on the Mao era (1949-1976) has manifested an interest in “everyday life,” rituals…

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HO, Ming-sho. 2019. Challenging Beijing’s Mandate of Heaven: Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement and Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

With Challenging Beijing’s Mandate of Heaven, Ming-sho Ho provides one of the most comprehensive accounts of two major social movements in Taiwan and Hong Kong….

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KENDALL, Paul. 2019. The Sounds of Social Space: Branding, Built Environment, and Leisure in Urban China. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.

I first visited the southwestern Chinese city of Kaili 凱里 in 1987. At that time, the city, with its many secretive Third Front factories, was…

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GROSE, Timothy. 2019. Negotiating Inseparability in China. The Xinjiang Class and the Dynamics of Uyghur Identity. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

The institution of the Xinjiang Class (neidi Xinjiang gaozhongban 內地新疆高中班) was introduced in China in 2000. Based on the Tibetan model (neidi Xizang gaozhongban 內地西藏高中班),…

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GAO, Hua. 2018. How the Red Sun Rose: The Origins and Development of the Yan’an Rectification Movement. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

I only met Gao Hua once, a few years before his premature death, and it was not an occasion for asking questions. By that time,…

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