Generational Consciousness and Political Mobilisation of Youth in Taiwan

Introduction The Taiwanese media is full of commentaries and analyses that have gradually made evident the existence of a young generation separated from their elders…

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“A New Job after Retirement”: Negotiating Grandparenting and Intergenerational Relationships in Urban China

Introduction In 2020, the story of a 56-year-old woman who went on a solo road trip in China went viral online.[1] Escaping from an unhappy…

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From Zhiqing to “Mothers of Tongzhi Children”: Linkages between the Socialist Past, Reflective Present, and LGBT Future in China

Introduction On a sizzling summer day in 2019, I arrived at a Guangzhou city park for an appointment with Mama Wu.[1] “Come meet me around…

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“Beijing Dama Have Something to Say”: Group Identification and Online Collective Action among Retirees in Contemporary China

First encounters In January 2016, Mr Zhou tagged me in a WeChat group. I had met the 67-year-old two years before, during my fieldwork among…

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The Yellow Leaves of a Building: Urban Exploration in China and the Cooling Plan Photography Project

Without yellow leaves, there can be no autumn. Ruins are the yellow leaves of a building. People say that the purpose of yellow leaves is…

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Reconnecting Spatialities in Uninhabited Industrial Spaces: Ruination and Sense of Place in a Coal Town (Datong, Shanxi)

Introduction An abandoned coal town: Kouquan Located on Datong’s outskirts, Kouquan Town used to be an important coal centre, surrounded by mines and miners’ settlements….

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Ruins, Ruination, and Fieldwork Photography

Introduction This article is a reflection on urban ruins, fieldwork, and photography. In line with this special issue, its purpose is to explore how these…

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In the Midst of Rubble, Bordering the Wasteland: Landscapes of Ruins and Childhood Experiences in China

Introduction – Following Chinese children far from urban centres: The trail of ruins There exist many areas in China today characterised by their decaying buildings,…

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Editorial – Ruination and the Production of Space in Contemporary China

Beyond the exceptional lens: Ruination and the shaping of ordinary spaces in China Urban ruins constitute ubiquitous spaces in contemporary China: from neighbourhoods and areas…

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A Difficult Integration of Authenticity and Intangible Cultural Heritage? The Case of Yunnan, China

Introduction China has been very active in the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage (ICH hereafter) since the ratification of UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of…

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